Your Spirit
Your Journey
The Tapestry
“Our lives intertwine with another’s for our mutual learning, and we attract to ourselves those people and experiences we need to teach us whatever it is we need to learn. Because we cannot see beyond our limited view, the pattern seems to us to be ugly, untidy and, therefore, wrong. But seen from above, where the design is clear, all is as it is, and must be, and as we have all woven it. Even the negative aspects are inevitably parts of the whole.” ~ Phyllis Krystal's first edition of Cutting the Ties That Bind
The Tapestry is the ugliness and the beauty of our earthly existence. Your life thread combines with and touches many others. World, local and personal events help pull your thread through the weave.
You may occasionally be able to rise above the tapestry and experience detachment and awe at the weaving.
It is freeing to realize that the things that happen through you and around you are part of a bigger whole. Everything is manifested by you and manifested by all. Through this perspective, you can accept that there is purpose and beauty in all of the parts and the whole.
No One Needs Forgiveness
Not Even You
It is often thought that, before coming to earth, you sit with God to make a plan of the things you want to learn in this lifetime. You choose the parents and siblings who can best bring that about those lessons. (Memories of Heaven, by Wayne Dyer, a compilation of children's memories from before they were born)
Throughout your life, you call to yourself people and situations that help you learn those lessons. We keep calling people and situations again and again until we learn the lesson. People who have wronged us, have only done what we called them to do. You have only done what others asked of your spiritually. (Radical Forgiveness, by Colin Tipping) It is as though you are in a play. You star in the play. You write the play. You direct it and do the casting. This is all to help you learn your lessons.
Lessons for this lifetime can vary. Of great import is the balance of masculine and feminine energy within us. Often the lesson is our worthiness, thus claiming our birthright as a beautiful and valuable spirit and person. For you, it may be looking through the eyes of spirit, the understanding that you are spirit having a human experience. Everyone else is spirit too, here to learn lessons. That means that every exchange you experience, is a spiritual exchange and every event is a spiritual event.
When you realize that everything that ever happened to you was done FOR you, at your instigation, it fills you with gratitude for everything and everyone in your life. This paradigm shift allows perspective for seeing the patterns and learning the lesson. Then you move on to the next one.
A simple, but powerful visualization, Cutting the Ties, can also help you let go of the past. Sometimes you want to have your say and receive an apology. Try the Getting Satisfaction exercise.
I like to think of it as...everything is a gift. Everything that has ever happened to me, happened for me and crafted me into the amazing person I am today. Look at the amazing person you are today!!
You are Divine
Divinity Resides in Everyone and Everything
One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in this lifetime is the realization that you are divine; that you are spiritually connected to everyone and all life. Your neighbor, your friend, your enemy and unknown millions are of the divine and directly connected to you. To disparage one, is to disparage all and disparage yourself. To have empathy for one, is to have empathy for all and yourself.
One of the greatest gifts you can give someone else is to recognize their divinity. You ask "What about evil people?" They too are divine. They have forgotten and are disconnected from it. They are part of the Tapestry of life. We call them into being with our thoughts, our words and our actions. They do what we have asked them to do, as does everyone.
There is a blessing that I say over strangers, especially those who have chosen a challenging path. It is from channel Paul Seleg's The Book of Mastery. "I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth. I know how you serve in truth. You have come. You have come. You have come." I see their spirit come to attention, look at me and bow in a prayerful position of gratitude. I like to think that this recognition and respect for their divinity and journey impacts them positively.
Everyone is on a spiritual journey, whether they realize it or not.
Ringing a Bell in the Universe
Calling Forth Things, Events, and People
"Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it." It is manifestation. It is the power you have, through your thoughts, your words and your actions, to ring a bell in the universe and call forth more of what you think about, talk about and act upon. It brings more and amplifies it in your life and into the world.
You say “I want a million dollars.” You can do it. As long as your thoughts, your words and your actions call it forth every day. Feel the joy of having a million dollars. However, your thoughts may actually be saying “I want a million dollars…but I don’t deserve it…or it will make me a target…or I am afraid.” If this is the case, the universe will not bring a million dollars. The bell that rings in the universe will call more events that amplify low self-esteem, vulnerability and fear.
If thoughts, words and actions bring more, what are you thinking about? What are you talking about? What are you doing? This applies to the things we are passionate about and the mundane. What are you amplifying? What are you calling into being? What are you calling to yourself?
Try this simple exercise.
Manifest something new.